Contents Page link:
Please kindly refer to the following Telegram channel invite link.Invite link:
Thank you.
Please also kindly take note that MapleStorySEA does not have MapleStory Global's level 3 link skills at lv210, and exclusive content.
In case my profile cannot be viewed by others, please kindly refer to
An unfunded MapleStorySEA player.
The Facebook notes have related Facebook photo albums. Please kindly read the weblink as follows.
The Facebook album for my unfunded MapleStorySEA Bishop main character, for which Bishop has the lowest buffed damage range as compared to other jobs, is as follows:
This also means that unfunded players are able to reach at least 550k clean damage range, and 815k buffed damage range, by lv230, for their main characters, assuming that all other characters are non-main characters.
A comparison of buffed damage ranges for my non-main characters, which use my Maple Union configuration for boosting magician jobs (and thus my main character, Bishop, which is a magician job), is as follows:
Which is one of the reasons why my non-main, non-magician characters would not have a significant increase for their damage range, as compared to my non-main, magician characters.
For the solutions for in-game issues as mentioned by MapleStorySEA, please kindly:
1) Run all game-related files as an administrator.
2) Use Windows
10 to play the game.
If you are not using Windows 10 for your computer, you may kindly download the
latest version (in case more than one version is available) for Windows 10 via
Microsoft's website, as follows.
3) Use a wired
Ethernet cable Internet connection.
4) If
necessary, please kindly check for the following three related files in the MapleStorySEA
folder, which can be accessed via the default location
C:\Program Files (x86)\Wizet\MapleStorySEA including maplestory.exe (which is
shown as "MapleStory"), for "Allow an app through Windows
Firewall", and allow them to go through public and private networks.
Please also kindly allow the following three related files through any
antivirus programs which you may have for your computer.
Please kindly
allow (do not block, do not disallow, do not disable) these programs (.exe
files) for the Windows Firewall and for any antivirus programs which you may
have for your computer.
[2] MapleStory
(the game client
[3] MapleStory
Auto Patcher
5) For
MapleStorySEA players, if required, please kindly refer to the following:
1. If using the
Playpark Downloader prevents the game from being installed due to error
2. If
auto-patch(es) and/or manual patch(es) cause any file (such as base.wz) to be
3. Only if
required, especially after each content patch (which does not only have event
quests and event notes for
> Update); and/or
4. After a few
consecutive attempts or tries to run the game, but the "The connection to
the server has ended." error message still appear, please kindly:
[1] Uninstall
the game via the Control Panel for the computer.
[2] Note:
Please kindly delete any previously downloaded Full Client (Mirror Link) manual
installation files for the Downloads folder for your computer, to avoid the
automatic renaming for the newly downloaded Full Client (Mirror Link) manual
game installation files for the Downloads folder for your computer.
Download, and ensure that all Full Client (Mirror Link) manual game
installation files from
> Guide > Download, have been completely downloaded into the Downloads
folder for your computer.
If any download(s) fail, please kindly use the Downloads tab or window for your
web browser, to resume the affected download(s).
[3] Please
kindly run the first file (the .exe file) for the downloaded Full Client (Mirror
Link) manual game installation files, as an administrator.
I apologise for the inconvenience caused, for not providing phone screenshot
images, thus causing all players to use the PlayPark Downloader, which would
cause more difficult-to-solve issues, as compared to using the Full Client
(Mirror Link) manual game installation files, from
> Guide > Download.
importantly, please kindly refer to the description for the following photo
6) For
NGS-related error messages please kindly download blackcall.aes , and
config.bc for BlackCipher issues from ,
into your BlackCipher folder.
7) For other
errors, please kindly refer to
8) Please
kindly ensure that you only have one version (the latest version) of the game
in your computer's Control Panel.
9) Please
kindly refrain from running other programs, such as web browsers, until the
login screen of the game has been reached.
10) Please
kindly update the software for your graphics card driver, via the graphics card
driver's manufacturer's website.
For the NVIDIA GeForce Experience graphics card driver software, please kindly
ensure that you have downloaded and installed the latest version, via NVIDIA's
website, as follows.
For the
websites for the graphics card driver software for other graphics card drivers'
manufacturers, please kindly do a Google Search.
11) If the displayed date and time in your computer's taskbar are incorrect, please kindly change the date and time according to your time zone.
12) For .NET
Framework issues, please kindly refer to the following:
CM Venshi's Facebook post:
relevant website:
13) Please also
kindly download the latest Windows update(s).
If all of the above, excluding point 5, have been carried out, only points 6, 10, and 13 need to be carried out again.
14) Please kindly
check that you have turned off Windows' game mode to prevent the related lag
from affecting the game:
1. Click on the Windows button at the bottom left of the Windows taskbar.
2. Type "game mode", which would appear in the Windows search bar (which is immediately on the right of the Windows button) of the Windows taskbar.
3. If "Turn off game mode" is displayed as a search result, select this option to proceed to turn off the game mode.
4. If "Turn on game mode" is displayed (after game mode has been turned off) as a search result, do not proceed further.
***** If all of
the above, excluding point 5, have been carried out, only points 6, 10, and 13
would need to be carried out again before each login to the game.
For contacting
MapleStorySEA for assistance, please kindly:
1) Use the
MapleSEA Live Chat;
2) Use the
MapleSEA iBox; and/or
3) Send an email, without attachments (web links are allowed in the email), to
This is to prevent the email from being unable to be sent out.
Thank you.