“Public” FaceBook photo album:
From the “Public” FaceBook photo album:
NOTE: You may need to "Unblock" the game (maplestory.exe) in Properties, just in case the button is in Properties. Thank you.
NOTE: This error usually occurs after a successful installation of the full game client of MapleStorySEA, using the Playpark Downloader.
*NOTE: Please run the "maplestory.exe" program in compatibility mode for "Windows 7". Thank you.*
***NOTE: This solution may or may not work. If the problem still persists, please email help.maplesea@asiasoftsea.net for assistance from AsiaSoft. Thank you.***
For more information on the 9 March 2016 "Pink Bean Superstar" (temporary Pink Bean event job, for about one month) patch:
The link above this sentence, states that:
"MapleStorySEA uses Asiasoft Passport and not PlayID. Please register for Asiasoft Passport, login and create your very own MapleID."
You can only create a MapleSEA game account, if you have registered for an AsiaSoft Passport at https://mspassport.playpark.com/Register.aspx?
, or a MapleSEA Passport at https://mspassport.playpark.com/Register.aspx?
***REMINDER: This solution may or may not work. If the problem still persists, please email help.maplesea@asiasoftsea.net for assistance from AsiaSoft. Thank you.***
This solution is to set the compatibility settings for all users, to "Run this program as an administrator".
The steps are as follows:
1. Right-click on the MapleStorySEA Desktop icon, then click on "Properties".
2. Click on the "Compatibility" tab in the "MapleStorySEA Properties" window which appears.
3. Click on "Change settings for all users".
***4. In the "MapleStory Properties" window which appears, click on the "Run this program as an administrator" checkbox, to make it checked/ticked/have a tick.***
5. Click on "Apply", then click on "OK" in the "MapleStory Properties" window.
6. Click on "Apply", then click on "OK" in the "MapleStorySEA Properties" window. You can now run the game as per normal.
Thank you.
Instructions for downloading MapleStorySEA:
To be able to play the game, you will need to install the Playpark Downloader, and download the latest game client.
For the latest game client, please click on "Latest Client" in the Playpark Downloader window, as shown in http://www.maplesea.com/guide/how_to_download#sthash.zzazQSmf.dpbs
If you are interested in creating a MapleSEA game account, please kindly create an AsiaSoft Passport at https://passport.asiasoftsea.com/
Once you have successfully installed the latest game client, you should only need to "auto patch" when future game patches arrive. You may need this in case of the "Elevation required" error: https://www.facebook.com/mapleseafreebossruns/media_set?set=a.933238556771533.1073741891.100002561932116&type=1&pnref=story
Thank you. - a player